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Writer's pictureAtharvani Ayurveda Center

Beat the Heat with Kapittha Panakam (Wood Apple Juice)

Kapittha (Wood Apple), whose Latin name is Feronia limonia, belongs to the family Rutaceae (same as the lemon, sweet lime family) Properties of the Fruit: Rasa (Taste) - Madhura (Sweet), Amla (slightly Sour) Guna (Qualities) - Guru (heavy for digestion), Snigdha (slimy in nature) Vipaka (taste it undergoes after digestion) - Madhura (sweet) Veerya (Potency) - Sheeta (cooling) Karma (Action) - Vaata-Pitta shamaka (reduces V, P doshas) Chemical Composition: coumarins, luangetin, xanthotoxin, limonin & sitosterol-O-beta-D-Glucoside Ripe Fruit benefits: Tridoshajit - balances all the 3 doshas Kantha-shodhana - relieves sore throat, cleanses throat Rochana - improves taste, relieves Anorexia Sangrahi - absorbent, useful in Diarrhea / dysentery, Grahani (IBS) Hridya - Cardiac tonic, improves cardiac output Relieves - excess thirst, Asthma and chronic respiratory disorders, Urinary tract disorders. Indicated in Herpes simplex, Rat poisoning, Chronic poisoning Other properties include: - Anti-microbial action - Muscle Relaxant - Neuro-protective action - Hepato - protective action - Analgesic action Reference textbooks of Ayurveda: 1. Kaiyyadeva Nighantu 2. BhavaPrakasha 3. Dhanwantari Nighantu 4. Raja Nighantu

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