Kapittha (Wood Apple), whose Latin name is Feronia limonia, belongs to the family Rutaceae (same as the lemon, sweet lime family) Properties of the Fruit: Rasa (Taste) - Madhura (Sweet), Amla (slightly Sour) Guna (Qualities) - Guru (heavy for digestion), Snigdha (slimy in nature) Vipaka (taste it undergoes after digestion) - Madhura (sweet) Veerya (Potency) - Sheeta (cooling) Karma (Action) - Vaata-Pitta shamaka (reduces V, P doshas) Chemical Composition: coumarins, luangetin, xanthotoxin, limonin & sitosterol-O-beta-D-Glucoside Ripe Fruit benefits: Tridoshajit - balances all the 3 doshas Kantha-shodhana - relieves sore throat, cleanses throat Rochana - improves taste, relieves Anorexia Sangrahi - absorbent, useful in Diarrhea / dysentery, Grahani (IBS) Hridya - Cardiac tonic, improves cardiac output Relieves - excess thirst, Asthma and chronic respiratory disorders, Urinary tract disorders. Indicated in Herpes simplex, Rat poisoning, Chronic poisoning Other properties include: - Anti-microbial action - Muscle Relaxant - Neuro-protective action - Hepato - protective action - Analgesic action Reference textbooks of Ayurveda: 1. Kaiyyadeva Nighantu 2. BhavaPrakasha 3. Dhanwantari Nighantu 4. Raja Nighantu
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